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t'ART is a new magazine and digital arts platform full of words, pictures, performance, music and the possibilities of creativity. thanks for visiting.



We are really excited to share with you our first ever edition of t'ART magazine. Themed around 'The War on Autonomy' we received compelling and personal work in the form of painting, photography, poetry and essays. 


You can buy a limited edition physical copy for £10.00 (not including postage) here. We hope you enjoy the issue.


Thank you to all of our amazing contributors. Their bios and Instagram handles can be found below - do follow their work!

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NippleDream by Heiðbjört Bára Borgarsdóttir (Heibi)

Heiðbjört Bára Borgarsdóttir (Heibi) is a feminist, figurative and surrealism artist from Iceland, based in London, United Kingdom.  Her story driven work is about relationships, love, gender, sexuality, sexual expressions, and traumas. It reflects on her own personal narrative and most importantly a queer cis woman's perspective on how it is to be a woman, and connects to the female Gaze of self-reflection of being one’s self.  

She is currently battling with social media due to their guidelines on nudity.  With threats of suspensions and removal of posts, she is pushing forwards on a new series: a compilation series of previously disallowed work set in a normal space.  

Instagram: @heibii


Neither here nor there & The Outsiders by Al Orange

I have been a creative person my whole life, as a punk musician, an electronic composer, a trapeze artist and aerial director, a pyrotechnician and a lighting, sound and audio visual designer for theatre.  My work took me all over Europe and on occasion across the world.  But all of this creative energy took place within the live setting, work that demanded audiences and large gatherings.  I only started drawing and painting a few years ago, but struggled to find the time to really develop my craft alongside my touring activities.  But when Covid 19, ripped my former life away from me overnight, I turned to the visual arts to feed my need for creativity, and also as a way to keep connected and find my voice amidst the uncertainty.  Spain’s harsh lockdown became my art school and began making work every day and experimenting with different materials and techniques.  An explosion of output that helped me to make sense of a rapidly changing world.  I feel like I am at the very beginning of what will be a very exciting journey, a creative navigation of uncharted waters which I am delighted to be able to share with you on this platform.



Empowered by Hari Raelyn

Hari is about to begin a PhD at Cardiff University studying how to utilise the horror genre to represent mental health issues in plays and films. She was born, bred and works in Caerphilly, South Wales. She runs monthly horrorthons on her Instagram, and grows pumpkins with her four cats.

Instagram: @hariraelyn


butcher by H. L. Truslove

H L Truslove is a writer who lives in Southampton. They've graduated twice from the University of Winchester, receiving both their BA and MA in English and Writing. Keep an eye out for their book, Alba, an open world adventure novel made with Inside the Box games!


Selected Works by Jonah Fried

My practice revolves around mark-making through the dichotomy of unique and mass production. I explore this by blurring the line between the two by using mixed media and digital printing. The particularity of each new iteration attempts to renew the delicate union between repetition and uniqueness. My practice could be visualised as a production line where at each stage of process the work is disturbed by randomised painterly moments. I explore this hinterland through strident artificial colours, gestural expressions of the unconscious mind through movement, colour and digital printing. I view my work much like parents do their children, each work is birthed and told it is unique, the antithesis to a Sol LeWitt artwork. We know our children are one of billions that have come before but convince ourselves that this one is special.


My upbringing in a rural farming setting in Scotland, highlights the striking difference of that from living in London. The two settings remind me of how insignificant yet unique one can be. I am also interested in exploring fluctuating conditions of ownership in the production and siting of my works, in both private and public settings.  I view my work as intrinsically political and social, the visual relationship of the ‘individual’ versus the ‘collective’ is integral to our self-questioning both in life and online.

Instagram: @jonah_fried_


Aphrodisian ancestry and the sea-edge: how H.D. reclaimed Modernist poetry for queerness by Phoebe Brereton

Coming Soon.


Jetsam by Gavin Herbertson

Gavin Herbertson studied English Literature at Jesus College, Oxford, before moving to Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, for his Master’s. Since 2019, he has been studying for a PhD at St Catherine’s College, Oxford, looking at the early Caribbean poetry of Derek Walcott. His poetry has previously appeared in Notes magazine, while his first edited publication, Dorothy and William Wordsworth: A Miscellany, was released in 2017, by Galileo Publishing.


Selected Works by Julia van Hulst

Julia van Hulst is ia photographer and digital designer, from art to tech and tech to art. These images and are from her personal collection. Her friends are the ones that are most in front of her camera (Minolta 35mm film). Once a picture is developed she draws on them. She likes the combination of the analogue photography and the digital edits.

Instagram: @juliavanhulst


Sketty Nature freedom by Harry Chapman

My name is Harry, I'm 19 and a photography student from Bristol in the UK. This photo series is made up of images that are 35mms that represent the cautious freedom I felt being able to come back to uni after being away for so long. My home-town is very conservative and I don't feel happy there - after lockdown when I moved back up to Bristol, the freedom I felt was amazing, but very intense and added a lot onto my anxiety. I wanted to capture this feeling with a model standing in for me in a field in Bristol - using slower shutter speeds, as well as hunched over movements to show this sudden new world I was allowed to come back to, but felt anxious in. 

Instagram: @vi_olo


Seeing me see me: an apology for self portraiture by Morgan Harries

I am a 26 yo queer white cis woman who works in homelessness, lives in East London and has an angry little cat called Pickle. I like painting and writing but I feel intensely self critical about it and felt like showing it to people may help remedy that. 

Instagram: @harries.morgan


Stop Policing My Body by Ru Wormington

This piece is part of a campaign in which womxn's bodies are represented in art form. It began as a body positivity and empowerment art movement, which has developed into an angry fight against the impermissibility of female sexuality and the policing of womxn's bodies. This was sparked by instagram's policing of my artwork (resulting in regular account deactivation), and progressed due to the political context of debates around transgender rights and abortion law. The photo itself was an outlook for my frustration of this policing and censorship of both my own body, and my artwork, despite the exclusively positive responses that have come out of it.

Instagram: @badgrl.ruru


366 by Adrianna Malegowska

I am an artist based in the North East, primarily involved with textile and surface design, which I am in the process of studying to degree level. I’ve been involved with art and design my whole life, but I’ve only recently really found my place in the arts. This came from discovering and accepting who I am, particularly in regards to my queerness. In light of this, the drawing I have decided to submit is one of my girlfriend and I, because embracing who I am has allowed me to re-establish autonomy in my own life. I hope that this piece, of us living authentically and proudly in love, will inspire others to live in the same way. I was also able to do this partly through the inspiration I found in the work of other artists. Art got me through some of my toughest times, and therefore it’s important to me to to use my art to reflect motivation back to anyone who might need it.

Instagram: @adriannabmalegowska


Banal but Truth & Into the Wild by Greta Matuseviciute

I was born and raised in Lithuania and then studied theatre in London. Later traveled off to and studied psychology in Australia. Learning through various expressions of art and studies of human mind, while taking a role of silent observer has always inspired me. The way I write is influenced by fascination with brutal honesty that comes from even the smallest but truly raw experiences. My writing is like a diary of random moments where significance comes from noticing the smallest hints of extraordinary in my surroundings.

Instagram: @gretagretagretos


The morning after by Niamh Haran

Niamh Haran is a queer non-binary poet based in London. They are an English Undergraduate at King's College London and member of The Roundhouse Poetry Collective. Their poems appear or are forthcoming in Perverse, The Interpreter's House, Babel Tower Notice Board and Abridged among others.


Instagram @niamh.haran


I Used to Wear Pink by A. L. Brown

Amelia is a queer writer and theatre maker whose debut manuscript was shortlisted for Penguin's WriteNow programme, and longlisted for Mslexia’s Novel Award and the BPA First Novel Award. Her short stories have been published by Bridgehouse Publishing and The Bombay Review. Her work is concerned with queer experience, difficult relationships and endings.

Instagram: @amelialbrown


What is sexiness? by Coco Jackson

I am a black, queer, woman who creates art. I am a London based creative photographer who is self-taught and explores a variety of types of photography including but not limited to travel photography, portrait photography and event photography anything from theatre shows, circus shows, live music, burlesque and cabaret events.

I am also a founding member of Pink Freud Theatre a queer and feminist company who create devised work, and an annual arts festival. I have recently started exploring self portraiture and my relationship with nature.

Instagram: @hihellococo


This is my body by Lynne Jefferies

I’m a queer, painfully working class actor/writer/director/florist originally from Scotland now living in east London. I love animals, smashing the patriarchy, true crime, dancing and stupid references. My photography has won prizes and been published in worldwide photography books. My poetry has been published in stand alone collections and recently in SHE Magazine. 

Instagram: @weareallinthegutters

©2023 by Marcus Berg. Proudly created with

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