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Trans Tongues is a new zine series by t'ART Press, which brings together poetry, prose and artwork by trans creators.


This zine is full of trans tongues telling stories, of words and images that get stuck between your teeth, swirl around mouths, unswallowable and delicious. thank you to everyone who has lent their tongue to these pages. 


£1 from each sale of this zine will be donated towards gender affirming surgery funds.


featuring work by:

Athrú @athru_ahroo

Honey Birch @honeybirchstudio | @honey.birch 

Harper Walton @harperwalton_

George Violet Parker @a_g_parker

von reyes @vonrxyes

Jess Moher @Messjoher_

A A Tyrrell @al.tyrrell | @aldrawsdaily

Francesca Tangreti

A.V. Pluškoski @l.avi.en.rose

Georgie Brooke @geos_realm

Trans Tongues: vol. 1


    ©2023 by Marcus Berg. Proudly created with

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